In my blog I capture my ramblings and thought wanderings. I hope to inspire you, raise awareness and, of course, connect.

Storytelling for peace in Palestine
I am standing in a bomb shelter in a kibbutz, somewhere between the beaches of Eilat and the barbed-wired border of Jordan. It’s extremely hot. The rattling air conditioning is working overtime. Outside the…

From Paraguay with love: when home’s not home
My friends always joke I am from Paraguay. Paraguay. That small South-American country with less than 7 million inhabitants, sandwiched between Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. Famous for its hot lowlands and…

World Tuberculosis Day: the power of storytelling
Every year, on 24 March, it’s World Tuberculosis Day. For most people, tuberculosis is “a disease from the past” and something very distant from their life. But did you know that tuberculosis is the number 1 most deadly…

Alternative Ways to use storytelling
Paris. City of love, the Eiffel Tower, grand cafes and the best croissants in the world. More than 21 years ago I was here for the last time. France had become world champion for the first time by beating the Brazilians with…

What’s in a (company) name
The magpie. Can you think of a bird that generates more disgust and distrust than this noisy chatterer? According to many, the number one enemy of songbirds, a plunderer of nests, a thief of shiny objects and in some cultures…

From job seeker to entrepreneur in 365 days
Today exactly 365 days ago, I was at the beginning of a whole new phase in my life. After working abroad for almost two decades, it was time for a career in The Netherlands. It was 1 October 2017 and I was officially looking for…